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Burgundy 2021 En Primeur

Burgundy 2021 En Primeur | A classic & terroir-driven vintage 


"What 2021 delivers, in the right hands of course, is a return to classicism, the produce of weather more often encountered in the 1970s and 1980s but with first-class plant material in the vineyards and infinitely more skill and ambition in the cellar..."  Jancis Robinson, The FT

See our latest offers with full notes here, by release date


See the full Burgundy 2021 En Primeur Offer here


The Weather

The 2021 burgundy vintage will be remembered for fresh, classic, terroir-driven wines, as much as for the terrible frosts which very nearly made this a 'lost' year.  Burgundy is accustomed to spring frosts, but in recent years the vine growers have also become used to hot summers, leading to earlier pruning each winter.  This can stimulate the vines to flower and fruit earlier, adding an extra few weeks to the ripening season...all-important in vintages like 2018 and '20, when the harvest had already begun in late August.  However, it also means that the vines are at a more perilous stage if hard frosts strike early in the growing season. 

In normal circumstances, a ground frost would not be too disastrous.  Ground frosts are created by katabatic winds, moist air draining down the slopes and touching the freezing soil, condensing and freezing its water content.  This has the greatest impact on the lower slopes and flats, where the generic vines are situated for making Bourgogne Rouge and Blanc.  However, in 2021, the frost of 6th April described below was an 'air frost' or 'black frost' ('gel noir', so called because it kills vegetation, turning it black), which hung on the upper slopes where the premiers and grands crus sites are found. 

Before they begin to unfurl the vine buds can withstand temperatures as low as - 6 °C.  Devastatingly, following early pruning and a burst of warm weather in late March, the buds had begun to open.  Air temperatures as low as -7 °C meant that not only were the buds themselves destroyed but the secondary buds which nestle beside them in the vine were also destroyed, ruining any chance of a secondary bud break, which is often the saviour of a frost year.  The damage was compounded by even colder weather on the 7th April which left many vines covered in ice.  As in 2016, the ice acted as a magnifying lens for the morning sun, effectively burning the buds beneath.

In June, hail struck much of the region.  July and August were cool and rather wet, hence there was pressure from mildew throughout.  Vineyard teams worked throughout this period, spraying the vines and green-harvesting in order to reduce the impact.  September began promisingly with dry, warm weather, but in the second week, rain and cold temperatures struck again.  This forced some growers to pick, whilst others waited and were rewarded with warm weather at the end of the month.  

After three years of early harvests, 2021 saw a return to more traditional picking dates.  According to the BIVB, the harvest began around 18 September but was still completed by early October, as the yields were so reduced.  BIVB's President, Francois Labet, was quoted as saying that losses were between 30% and 50%, but much of this focused on the Côte de Beaune, where losses were more like 70%!  Red grapes were less affected than whites from the earlier-budding Chardonnay, and Chablis in particular was also very badly affected.  This year, instead of tasting 8-12 wines at each domaine, we were often offered just three or four, in some cases just two.  Other domaines showed no '21s at all and produced reserve stocks of their 2020s to taste. 




Frost candles in Burgundy in April.  Costing around 10 Euros each, with a burn-time of 8 hours, 300-400 are needed per hectare.  Capable of changing the temperature around the vines by between +0.5°C + 2°C, they are hugely expensive and only economical for use in vineyards producing fruit for top-level wines.  Pic courtesy AP.


The Wines 

"...the 2021 vintage is shockingly good in the context of an appalling growing season that pushed many to the brink, physically and mentally. In some ways, it defies explanation. But look closely at the season’s minutiae; you see valid reasons why many clutched victory from the hands of defeat."  Neal Martin,


Tasting the wines from cask at the domaines, we routinely heard figures for yields as low as 10-25 hl/ha (30-40 might more usually be hoped for).  It turns out this was also the making of vintage.  When each vine produces such a tiny amount of fruit, the whole root system is focused on providing nutrients to just a few bunches, which can produce great concentration in the grapes.  As a taster, you notice this on the palate as flavour concentration, rather than the physiological concentration found in fruit from hotter climates (which elevates alcohols and sugars).  The relatively later harvest allowed fruit and mineral character time to develop even further.  We noted this immediately at our first tasting of 2021 white wines in London, before going to Burgundy.  The whites have a weightless feel, not big or heavy, but hanging on the palate for ages.  They are also very representative of their terroirs, particularly the premiers crus.

It took some further tasting in burgundy to determine that we liked the reds as much as the whites.  In general, the red wines struck us as beautifully balanced, with a lovely harmony between the tannins, alcohol and acidity.  Like the whites, the reds display their terroirs beautifully, so much so that in some instances (tasting Meursault 'Les Genevrieres' 1er Cru at Michelot, or Chambolle-Musigny 'Les Charmes' 1er Cru at Hudelot-Baillet, for example) it felt like meeting the terroir for the first time, even though we have tasted many previous vintages.  

This pronounced terroir character has been enhanced by a judicious approach to winemaking.  Several domaines told us they had held back on techniques like whole bunch fermentation (due to stalks being insufficiently ripe), pigeage and remontage.  The use of new oak has also been reined back and we noticed more domaines are beginning to experiment with inert vessels like amphora and ceramic eggs for fermentation and elevage.  After the 2018, '19 and '20 vintages, the '21s are less textured on the palate, but more than make up for this with their tension and focus.  


The Case For 2021 Burgundy

Worldwide demand for top burgundy is unabated and UK merchants receive a disproportional share of the allocations, mostly for historical reasons.  We are also the first market to offer the wines for sale, with the US, for instance, not offering the 2021s until later this summer.  It's worth remembering these relative advantages when assessing pricing and availability. 

Prices have risen for three main reasons: Firstly, in response to the size of the harvest, with most increases being far smaller then the reductions.  If a domaine makes just 30% of its usual production, is it still good value if the price is 20% to 50% higher?  In many cases the question will be academic as there will be no wine to be had, giving rise to the second reason for price increases, namely demand.  This is less a factor for entry-level wines and more evident with grands crus and some top premiers crus sites, which are moving steadily upwards, no doubt influenced by the stellar prices commanded by the top dozen or so domaines.  A third factor, more relevant for us mere mortals, in the price of materials, from corks, to bottles, to diesel for tractors and electricity in the winery, all of which have risen here as elsewhere across Europe.  It was illuminating to hear, from several winemakers, how many of these manufactured materials were made in Ukraine and are now in short supply.

November's Liv-ex Market report points out that, for the first time in a while, the secondary market for burgundy has softened (a little).  But the Liv-Ex Burgundy indices are driven by a handful of top domaines, whose village wines even command three of four figure sums per bottle.  It seems likely to us that there is still plenty of room for good premiers crus from the best middle-tier producers to command higher prices.  Adjusting to Chassagne or Chambolle premiers crus at retail prices of £100-plus per bottle seems a likely scenario to us.  

With this in mind, we think it worth looking out for 2021s which release without big price increases (there will be a few).  This vintage will be ready to drink quite early, but the wines will cellar for almost as long as the '20s, in some cases, so they will be an asset in your cellar.  The generic wines and lesser village wines seem more appealing every year, so there is still great value to be had from names like Bachey-Legros, Eric de Suremain, Château de Chamilly and Jeannin-Naltet excel in this area.  As for the more sought-after premiers and grands crus, these seem likely to become like those rare Penny Blacks, scarce on the market in future years. 

"These will be good, sometimes very good wines, and as long as price does not prohibit, I see no reason not to follow them without qualms....The whites in particular, though the reds too, are very clear reflections of their individual sites."  Jasper Morris MW,

Our 2021 offers may be missing certain wines, either because little to none has been made, or because they are offered on allocation to buyers of previous vintages.  We loved tasting the wines from this vintage and think they will be superb in bottle.  Cool in style, they capture some of the best attributes of 'classic' burgundy (which possibly means something different to each of us!) whilst having more modern qualities of precision and purity.


See a full list of all releases, below:
WHITE 2021 2 cases Antoine Jobard - Bourgogne Blanc 75cl £165 per case of 6 Antoine Jobard
Bourgogne Blanc
2021 / 2 cases / 75cl
£165 per case of 6
WHITE 2021 1 case Antoine Jobard - Meursault Blagny 1er Cru 75cl £660 per case of 6 Antoine Jobard
Meursault Blagny 1er Cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£660 per case of 6
WHITE 2021 3 cases Bachey-Legros - Santenay Blanc Clos Les Gravières 1er cru 75cl £160 per case of 6 Bachey-Legros
Santenay Blanc Clos Les Gravières 1er cru
2021 / 3 cases / 75cl
£160 per case of 6
Tasting NotesFrom younger vines in the lower, northern part of Santenay and is mostly a young vine cuvée. The vineyard is planted with 3% of a chardonnay clone which gives a rich style with almost Muscat-like aromas. The finished style is similar to Chassagne-Montrachet with lots of richness and texture, presumably influenced by the use of lees stirring and ageing in 30% new wood. Balanced citrus and yuzu fruit on the nose, lovely fresh acidity balancing the concentration, some white flowers, tangerines on the palate. Quite different to the tropical notes and glyecrine-texture from some recent vintages of Gravieres. Good energy. RKL
RED 2021 1 case Bachey-Legros - Santenay Rouge Clos Rousseau 75cl £150 per case of 6 Bachey-Legros
Santenay Rouge Clos Rousseau
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£150 per case of 6
Tasting NotesThe 'Clos Rousseau' is from three parcels of old vines; Les Fourneaux, planted in 1914, Le Grand Clos Rousseau (1980), and Le Petit Clos Rousseau (1955). Not tasted.
WHITE 2021 5 cases Borgeot - Chassagne Montrachet Clos St Jean 1er cru 75cl £340 per case of 6 Borgeot
Chassagne Montrachet Clos St Jean 1er cru
2021 / 5 cases / 75cl
£340 per case of 6
RED 2021 2 cases Borgeot - Santenay Rouge Vieilles Vignes 75cl £220 per case of 12 Borgeot
Santenay Rouge Vieilles Vignes
2021 / 2 cases / 75cl
£220 per case of 12
RED 2021 2 cases Domaine des Lambrays - Clos des Lambrays grand cru 75cl £1,095 per case of 3 Domaine des Lambrays
Clos des Lambrays grand cru
2021 / 2 cases / 75cl
£1,095 per case of 3
RED 2021 1 case Domaine des Lambrays - Morey St Denis Les Loups 1er Cru 75cl £530 per case of 6 Domaine des Lambrays
Morey St Denis Les Loups 1er Cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£530 per case of 6
RED 2021 1 case Domaine Dujac - Charmes Chambertin grand cru 75cl £980 per case of 3 Domaine Dujac
Charmes Chambertin grand cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£980 per case of 3
RED 2021 1 case Domaine Dujac - Gevrey Chambertin aux Combottes 1er Cru 75cl £720 per case of 3 Domaine Dujac
Gevrey Chambertin aux Combottes 1er Cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£720 per case of 3
WHITE 2021 2 cases Domaine La Soufrandière, Bret Brothers - Pouilly-Vinzelles 'Les Longeays' 75cl £180 per case of 6 Domaine La Soufrandière, Bret Brothers
Pouilly-Vinzelles 'Les Longeays'
2021 / 2 cases / 75cl
£180 per case of 6
Tasting NotesFrom vines in the 'Les Quarts' Climat, Les Longeays is a vineyard which faces South-East, with deep soils. The grapes here reach maturity early, year after year. The finished wine has great ageing potential.------"The 2021 Pouilly-Vinzelles Climat Les Longeays has a very precise nose, lemon verbena and crushed stone, just a bit of reduction that is gommon in this cuvée during barrel maturation. The palate is well balanced with a fine bead of acidity. Good tension here, a vertical" Pouilly-Vinzelles that lingers nicely in the mouth. 90-92 points." Neal Martin,
WHITE 2021 1 case Domaine Michelot - Meursault Clos St Felix, Monople 75cl £295 per case of 6 Domaine Michelot
Meursault Clos St Felix, Monople
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£295 per case of 6
WHITE 2021 1 case Domaine Michelot - Meursault Genevrières 1er cru 75cl £460 per case of 6 Domaine Michelot
Meursault Genevrières 1er cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£460 per case of 6
WHITE 2021 1 case Domaine Michelot - Meursault Les Charmes 1er cru 75cl £420 per case of 6 Domaine Michelot
Meursault Les Charmes 1er cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£420 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"Clear pale colour. The nose is the cleanest and the most classic, with more fruit evident from the start. One younger plot lower down was nearly a full crop. This has a beginning, a middle and an end, not the plumpest Charmes of your life, but much the style of wine which Nicolas wants to make and is capable of. Lots of detail here too, nuanced from its varied elevage. Lovely crunch to it, very good. Drink from 2026-2031. Tasted: October 2022. 92-95 points" Jasper Morris MW,
WHITE 2021 1 case Domaine Michelot - Santenay Blanc Les Gravières 1er cru 75cl £230 per case of 6 Domaine Michelot
Santenay Blanc Les Gravières 1er cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£230 per case of 6
RED 2021 9 cases Drouhin Laroze - Gevrey Chambertin Dix Climats 75cl £250 per case of 6 Drouhin Laroze
Gevrey Chambertin Dix Climats
2021 / 9 cases / 75cl
£250 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"15% whole bunch vinification. The colour is noticeably more robust than the preceding wines, as too is the bouquet, backed a little by new oak (30%) but showing a good intensity of robust raspberry fruit on the nose, which carries through across the palate. This has a good balance between fruit and structure. Drink from 2025-2030. 90-92 points." Jasper Morris MW
RED 2021 4 cases Drouhin Laroze - Gevrey Chambertin En Champs 75cl £295 per case of 6 Drouhin Laroze
Gevrey Chambertin En Champs
2021 / 4 cases / 75cl
£295 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"20% whole bunch vinification, 30% new wood. Volumes suffered from the hail. A fine mid purple colour. A little reduction on the nose. Now the pure red fruit starts to come out. A little more delicate than the 10 Climats, though perhaps a little more finesse instead. A good fruit-acid-tannin balance to finish. Drink from 2024-2029. Tasted: December 2022. 89-91 pts." Jasper Morris MW
WHITE 2021 2 cases Etienne Sauzet - Puligny Montrachet 75cl £450 per case of 6 Etienne Sauzet
Puligny Montrachet
2021 / 2 cases / 75cl
£450 per case of 6
RED 2021 2 bottles George Roumier - Morey St Denis Clos de la Bussière 1er cru 75cl £280 per bottle George Roumier
Morey St Denis Clos de la Bussière 1er cru
2021 / 2 bottles / 75cl
£280 per bottle
RED 2021 1 case Henri Magnien - Aloxe-Corton La Coutiere 1er cru 75cl £295 per case of 6 Henri Magnien
Aloxe-Corton La Coutiere 1er cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£295 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"More crimson than purple, with a pleasing red fruit, a little blood orange too. Charles confirms a red soil, indicating iron oxide. Sweet but not clumsy fruit floods the palate, this is an elegant Aloxe (coming in fact from Ladoix) with few tannins. There was a good yield here and this wine was heated at the end of fermentation. Drink from 2025-2029. Tasted: November 2022. 88-90 points" Jasper Morris MW,"The 2021 Aloxe-Corton La Coutiere 1er Cru is tertiary on the nose, opening gradually to reveal flinty scents that underly the brambly red fruit. The palate is medium-bodied with grainy tannins. Taut and quite linear, there is a crisp line of acidity and an attractive spiciness that develops on the finish. One of the better Aloxe-Cortons in this difficult growing season. 89-91 points" Neal Martin,"This is quite airy, indeed even perfumed, with its elegant and exceptionally pretty nose of essence of wild cherry, soft earth and a background hint of star anise. The polished, delicious and solidly concentrated middleweight flavors coat the palate with sappy dry extract that helps to buffer the lightly stony, austere and linear finish that displays excellent length. Lovely. 90-92 points" Allen Meadows' Burghound
RED 2021 1 case Hudelot Baillet - Bourgogne Hautes Côtes de Nuits 75cl £120 per case of 6 Hudelot Baillet
Bourgogne Hautes Côtes de Nuits
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£120 per case of 6
RED 2021 6 cases Hudelot Baillet - Chambolle Musigny Les Charmes 1er cru 75cl £330 per case of 6 Hudelot Baillet
Chambolle Musigny Les Charmes 1er cru
2021 / 6 cases / 75cl
£330 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"The 2021 Chambolle-Musigny Les Charmes ler Cru has an expressive bouquet with black cherries, raspberry confit and light sous-bois aromas, becoming more opulent with aeration. The palate is sweet on the entry, rounded in texture with wild strawberry and raspberry, white pepper and thyme, harmonious on the finish, though not as complex as the Les Cras. 90-92 points" Neal Martin,
RED 2021 1 case Hudelot Baillet - Chambolle Musigny Les Cras 1er cru 75cl £360 per case of 6 Hudelot Baillet
Chambolle Musigny Les Cras 1er cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£360 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"The 2021 Chambolle-Musigny Les Cras ler Cru has a lively black cherry, cassis and wild strawberry scented bouquet, more floral than the Les Charmes. The palate is generous on the entry with supple tannins, lightly spiced, slightly high-toned on the finish with a long black pepper and thyme tinged aftertaste. Excellent, but it will need some bottle age. 91-93 points" Neal Martin,
WHITE 2021 1 case Jean Collet & Fils - Chablis Valmur grand cru 75cl £275 per case of 6 Jean Collet & Fils
Chablis Valmur grand cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£275 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"Still in barrel, to be racked and assembled at the harvest and bottled next spring. Fresh mid yellow colour. Here the oak shows in the form of coconut. Quite a block of flavour, then lactic notes from the barrel, behind which the fruit reasserts itself. Not yet all in harmony, but I think this will come together, such is the volume of fruit. Drink from 2025-2030. Tasted: June 2022. 91-94 points." Jasper Morris MW, Inside Burgundy
RED 2021 4 cases Jeannin-Naltet - Mercurey Les Naugues 1er cru 75cl £285 per case of 12 Jeannin-Naltet
Mercurey Les Naugues 1er cru
2021 / 4 cases / 75cl
£285 per case of 12
RED 2021 2 cases Laroze de Drouhin - Fixin 75cl £180 per case of 6 Laroze de Drouhin
2021 / 2 cases / 75cl
£180 per case of 6
RED 2021 1 case Louis Jadot - Chambertin Clos de Bèze grand cru 75cl £980 per case of 3 Louis Jadot
Chambertin Clos de Bèze grand cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£980 per case of 3
RED 2021 1 case Louis Jadot - Charmes Chambertin grand cru 75cl £940 per case of 6 Louis Jadot
Charmes Chambertin grand cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£940 per case of 6
WHITE 2021 4 cases Louis Jadot - Chassagne Montrachet Abbaye de Morgeot 1er cru (Domaine) 75cl £395 per case of 6 Louis Jadot
Chassagne Montrachet Abbaye de Morgeot 1er cru (Domaine)
2021 / 4 cases / 75cl
£395 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"Cask sample. Quite rich initially on the nose and then backed up by fine acidity and structure. A very successful wine! Minerally and sinewy and very impressively long. Drink 2025 – 2038. 17 points""While moderate there is enough wood to notice on the more floralsuffused nose of just sliced pear and citrus. There is excellent volume to the succulent and enveloping medium weight flavors that possess solid mid-palate concentration before terminating in a clean and mouthcoating finish where a hint of bitter lemon appears. This distinctly powerful and beautifully persistent effort should effortlessly repay a decade plus of keeping yet it’s not so structured that it couldn’t be approached after 5-ish years. 2031+. 91-93 points" Allen Meadows' Burghound
RED 2021 1 case Louis Jadot - Clos Vougeot grand cru 75cl £730 per case of 6 Louis Jadot
Clos Vougeot grand cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£730 per case of 6
WHITE 2021 2 cases Louis Jadot - Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru (Domaine des Héritiers Jadot) 75cl £495 per case of 3 Louis Jadot
Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru (Domaine des Héritiers Jadot)
2021 / 2 cases / 75cl
£495 per case of 3
Tasting Notes"Aromas of lime zest, freshly baked bread, pear, white flowers and wet stones preface the 2021 Corton-Charlemagne Grand Cru (Domaine des Héritiers Jadot), a full-bodied, ample and satiny wine that's chalky and structured, with notable concentration, racy acids and a long, resonant finish. It's a very strong performance that transcends any of the vintage's limitations. 93-95+ points" William Kelley,"(from Les Pougets in Aloxe-Corton). Cooler and airier aromas include those of mostly green apple, mineral reduction, crushed fennel and white flowers. There is almost painful intensity to the beautifully textured if slightly less concentrated medium-bodied flavors that exude a pungent stoniness on the tautly muscular, moderately austere and bone-dry finale that goes on and on. It’s rare that the Jadot CC appears more interesting than the Demoiselles but at this very early juncture, it seems to have a slight edge. Either way, this is terrific. 2033+. 93-96 points" Allen Meadows' Burghound
RED 2021 3 cases Louis Jadot - Corton Pougets grand cru (Heritiers Louis Jadot) 75cl £495 per case of 6 Louis Jadot
Corton Pougets grand cru (Heritiers Louis Jadot)
2021 / 3 cases / 75cl
£495 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"Cask sample. Sweet, slightly gamey nose. Lighter than the usual grand cru with quite marked acidity. It’s even a little bitter on the end. Not showing beautifully at this early stage. Chewy and without quite enough fruit weight to compensate. Drink 2028 – 2040. 16++points""Aromas of sweet red berries, plums, peonies and spices introduce the 2021 Corton-Pougets Grand Cru (Domaine des Héritiers Jadot), a medium to full-bodied, rich and ample wine with a deep core of fruit, sweet structuring tannins and a long, mouthwatering finish. This cuvée is always a strong suit chez Jadot, and this year is no exception. 91-93+ points" William Kelley,
RED 2021 2 cases Louis Jadot - Gevrey Chambertin Clos St Jacques 1er cru (Domaine) 75cl £395 per case of 3 Louis Jadot
Gevrey Chambertin Clos St Jacques 1er cru (Domaine)
2021 / 2 cases / 75cl
£395 per case of 3
Tasting Notes"Cask sample. Bright mid garnet. Sweet, jewelly, bright-fruited nose. Superior density and great fragrance. Real impact on the palate. Great persistence. Refined but not scrawny. Lifted and elegant on the nose with real breadth on the palate. Just gorgeous already even though one knows that it will just go on getting better and better. Drink 2028 – 2045. 18 points""There are only seven barrels of the 2021 Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Clos Saint-Jacques (Domaine Louis Jadot), an attractively sensual wine evocative of cherries, plums, orange zest, smoke and spices. Medium to full-bodied, layered and concentrated, with a sweet core of fruit, powdery tannins and a penetrating finish, its quality is some compensation for the lack of quantity. 92-94 points" William Kelley,
WHITE 2021 3 cases Louis Jadot - Meursault Les Charmes 1er cru (Domaine) 75cl £405 per case of 6 Louis Jadot
Meursault Les Charmes 1er cru (Domaine)
2021 / 3 cases / 75cl
£405 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"Cask sample. Very charming indeed. No shortage of weight or acidity. Dense and sweetly floral. But with some savour. Truly Meursault. Long. With excellent freshness. Quite a bit to chew on. Drink 2025 – 2034. 16.5+ points""There is a touch of lemon zest on the aromas of mostly apple, petrol and white floral wisps. There is once again outstanding density to the more refined if less mineral-driven medium-bodied flavors that possess a succulent mid-palate that contrasts somewhat with the moderately austere but not especially dry finale that exhibits sneaky good length. This promising if mildly edgy effort should repay mid to even longer-term keeping. 2029+. 89-92 points" Allen Meadows' Burghound
RED 2021 1 case Louis Jadot - Nuits St Georges Les Boudots 1er Cru 75cl £430 per case of 6 Louis Jadot
Nuits St Georges Les Boudots 1er Cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£430 per case of 6
WHITE 2021 1 case Louis Jadot - Puligny Montrachet La Garenne 1er Cru 75cl £360 per case of 6 Louis Jadot
Puligny Montrachet La Garenne 1er Cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£360 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"A strong effort, the 2021 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Garenne (Maison Louis Jadot) reveals aromas of white currant, crisp orchard fruit and peach mingled with hints of beeswax and white flowers. Medium to full-bodied, ample and satiny, with racy acids and a saline finish, it's a lively, impressively complete white. 91-92 points" William Kelley,"A cool nose reflects notes of green apple, citrus, white flower and just cut pear nuances. There is excellent delineation and vibrancy to the refined and understated middleweight flavors that are almost aggressively mineral-driven, all wrapped in a moderately austere, compact and serious finale. This lovely effort is sufficiently tightly wound to likely need most of a decade to reach its apogee. 2029+. 90-93 points" Allen Meadows' Burghound
WHITE 2021 1 case Louis Jadot - Puligny Montrachet Les Folatières 1er cru 75cl £280 per case of 3 Louis Jadot
Puligny Montrachet Les Folatières 1er cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£280 per case of 3
Tasting Notes"Firm reduction dominates the underlying fruit at present. Otherwise, the round, suave and very seductively textured medium weight flavors coat the palate with sappy dry extract while the youthfully austere and balanced finish immediately tightens up to suggest that this too is going to need a decade plus to realize its full potential. 2031+. 91-93 points" Allen Meadows' Burghound
WHITE 2021 1 case Louis Jadot - Puligny Montrachet Les Referts 1er Cru 75cl £395 per case of 6 Louis Jadot
Puligny Montrachet Les Referts 1er Cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£395 per case of 6
WHITE 2021 1 case Louis Jadot - Savigny Les Beaunes Blanc Clos des Guettes 1er cru (Domaine) 75cl £175 per case of 6 Louis Jadot
Savigny Les Beaunes Blanc Clos des Guettes 1er cru (Domaine)
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£175 per case of 6
Tasting Notes"Once again there is subtle but not imperceptible wood present on the riper aromas of pear liqueur and a pretty range of floral elements. There is both excellent richness and volume to the generously proportioned medium-bodied flavors that offer both better depth and persistence as well as better balance. While this should amply repay 5 to 8 years of aging, it could also be approached after only 3-ish years. 2027+. 89-92 points" Allen Meadows' Burghound
RED 2021 1 case Rossignol-Trapet - Chambertin grand cru 75cl £1,450 per case of 6 Rossignol-Trapet
Chambertin grand cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£1,450 per case of 6
RED 2021 1 case Rossignol-Trapet - Gevrey Chambertin Petite Chapelle 1er cru 75cl £495 per case of 6 Rossignol-Trapet
Gevrey Chambertin Petite Chapelle 1er cru
2021 / 1 case / 75cl
£495 per case of 6
RED 2021 2 cases Rossignol-Trapet - Gevrey Chambertin Vieilles Vignes 75cl £240 per case of 6 Rossignol-Trapet
Gevrey Chambertin Vieilles Vignes
2021 / 2 cases / 75cl
£240 per case of 6

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